Let me start of by saying that I LOVE weddings, I LOVE wedding planning, I LOVE my brides, I LOVE my job!   But this past weekend, I got a taste of what each of my brides go through at some point in time or another — checking out venues with their parents and the groom-to-be!  I will be totally honest and admit that I was nervous and not looking forward to it at all!   I didn’t know what to expect… so many opinions…trying to please Mom & Dad (they are pitching in after all!)…trying to please myself and Jimmy…. I remember hearing Bill Cosby say something about “you’ll go crazy trying to please everyone in your life” (there’s more to that quote but I forget…) *sigh* Moving on, I also have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised that we all got along a lot better than my initial paranoid-self was letting on. We actually found a place that all 4 of us love and it looks like we’ll be bookingthe venue! Yay! Crisis averted! for now…

I say for now because we still need to plan the menu and bar package. The depth of analysis that my mom is taking (and will continue to take) the planning for the menu & bar package is something that I’m typically not involved in with my brides. These are conversations that are usually done at home, with the bride & groom and/or the parents. I am more so, the information gatherer and the couple/family makes these decisions. Now, I definitely understand and appreciate why we’re going to such great lengths to analyze. every. single. option. we. have. My mom is a”number-cruncher” and wants to make sure we’re getting the absolute most for our money. I totally appreciate this and I’m happy we are doing it. But at the same time, I am gaining a new found appreciation & respect for my brides and what they have to deal with when it comes to handling family dynamics.

It’s been great getting to see things from the bride’s perspective and I’m really looking forward to planning the other details – the wedding DRESS! the flowers, the cake, the linens, the stationary… now that the church and the venue have been picked, I/we can move on to some of the more fun parts! Dress shopping, here we come!! =)

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